
A homage to Bristol Drum & Bass music installed in a retail space in Quakers Friars, Bristol. Commissioned by Bristol Lioght Festival 2025.

January 31st - February 9th 2025.
5pm - 10pm nightly.

Interactive  installation based on the Roland 808 drum machine where you create drum patterns from filmed human perfornances.

Link to proposal

Motion-captured figures hang out on the tarpaulin of a building under construction in Canary Wharf. The hyper-efficiency of lasers is used to draw monumental size images in a centre of global capital. 

The work looks at the importance of being idle in a time of Taylorist-inspired productivity.

My brain activity while I undertake various activities, captured at UCL's Institute of Neurology, and displayed on four vintage oscilloscopes. 

As concern rises about how our intimate data is captured by third parties in order to create new services and products, I put mine on public display.

A generative animation based on open-sourced 3d models of neo-classical sculptures. Developed in COVID lockdown, when museums couldn't be accessed, points of light are choreographed to move between the surfaces of sculptures, never quite settling in one spot. 

Familiar forms appear and dissipate, like fading memories.

A cavernous space under Silvertown Way in Royal Docks, East LonPresence don, was transformed into an immense illuminated ‘echo chamber’ filled by the laser light travelling through it.

It responds uniquely to each sound and voice presented to it. Visitors are invited to engage with the work, activating it by using their voices by singing, shouting or speaking into the void. These sounds are then amplified, reverberated, distorted and echoed as they travel through the space.

Created during the COVID lockdowns, a building in London Bridge was illuminated by a light display inside it. The lights were controlled by the voices of people who joined a Zoom call, designed to let them vent their frustrations in a cathartic fashion.

Using hand gestures and heartbeat data to create animated forms based on simple geometric objects. 

Short film created on an oscilloscope, commissioned to accompany a music composition by Olafur Arnaulds to celebrate an album of collaborations between Wayne Macgregor and composers.

Your heartbeat is used to control a light and music composition, displayed on a sculptural form. The composition responds to your Heart Rate Variability, which can indicate your level of stress.
Amplifying your normally invisible body signals to huge proportions.

The disembodied head of the father of surveillance and the Panopticon watches you from a wooden cabinet, installed next to Bentham's 'Auto-Icon' at University College London. Based on a 3d scan of his actual head, Bentham's eyes folllow you, wherever you move in front of him.

The Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank, repurposed as a visual transmitter, seeming to send signals up into space. An interactive installaton controlled by visitor's hand gestures.

 Created in collaboration with Peter Howell of The Radiophonic Workshop.

A site-specfic version of 'On Your Wavelength' staged in Leeds Town Hall, where participants used an EEG headset to control a laser installation and a generative music composition played on the Leeds Town Hall pipe organ.

Created in collaboration with Robert Thomas.

A generative light and sound composition, controlled from an EEG headset, installated in a subterranean retail unit in Canary Wharf, London.
Created in collaboration with Robert Thomas.

A generative light and sound composition, controlled from an EEG headset, installated in a srailway tunnel in London Bridge.
Created in collaboration with Robert Thomas and Alex Anpilogov.

A former dental college in Borough High Street, transformed into a sound-reactive light sculpture. Based on Arthur Janov's 'Primal Scream' therapy, this artowrk gave a safe context for residents and local workers to vent their frustrations in a cathartic fashion.

I asked 25 people to try to sing every note in the human vocal range. Only a few of them sung regularly. A selection of their performances were edited and turned into a human choir that could be played via a Midi keyboard.

FIlmed portraits of people having food thrown, filmed on a slow-motion camera at a thousand frames a second.