Audio Laser Drawings (ongoing)

Digital Prints produced using a laser, back projection screen and custom software manipulating audio signals through body gestures. 

Having worked with electronic music for most of my career, I explore how audio synthesis and gestures can be used to create visual forms. 

There's a very 60's sci-fi influence here, that comes from the visual music experiments of John Whitney, Larry Cuba and Mary Ellen Bute.

As the forms appeared, they started to recall Naum Gabo's works, creating 'volumes in space without mass'.

I'm using live and pre-recorded gestures to move different drawing parameters around. Some of these relate to the position of the 'pen' and some to it's behaviour. 

The drawing process doesn't necessarily happen in 'real-time'. 

Lines, dots and curves are plotted onto a back-projection screen by a laser, which is responding to software. 

So it's a hybrid of drawing shapes in space and playing a synthesiser. So the way you move your hand might effect the colour of the lines or density, rather than it's position. 

This leads to really unexpected compositions, that are outside my direct control. 

Much of the creative process comes from the curation of the images. A session normally results in creasting hundreds of images, as each variation is recorded.

The process is iterative, learning how to 'play' the drawing system. and adapting the detail of the programming as I go.

 Often the images at the start of the process work as well as something at the end.

With kind support of Jason Thompson